Long Sleepless Night

On Myspace, I mentioned in my blog that I am a Great Uncle again to a new baby boy born on Tuesday.  He was c-section delivered.  Last night, as I was about to go to bed, I received a phone call from the grandma to the new baby asking me to come across the road to their house because the ambulance was coming for the mother of the new baby. She went home from the hospital yesterday.

I arrived there to see her walking onto the porch crying, saying she was in pain in her back, that she was week, that she felt like she was dying, that she was burning…….

This young woman is 21 and new baby is her second one.  She went to the emergency room a lot during the pregnancy; seemingly about everything and nothing. So…. I spent the night at the emergency room; arriving home about 4:30.  The cause……. “you just had a baby and a c-section.”

She insisted that she had something wrong with her because she doesn’t feel good and feels weak, etcetera. She insisted that this thing that is wrong with her was wrong with her all through the pregnancy, too. She insisted on the way home that she had something wrong with her. She doesn’t feel well.

Well…… yes, you don’t feel well.  It’s called having a baby and a c-section. Stand up to it. 

So, I spent the night in the E.R. …. have about 4 hours of sleep… and need to work all day… for basically nothing. No, I’m not saying that it’s easy.  Nor that she feels good. But, it’s normal for the situation; and it’s time to stand up and have some good old fashioned gumption and stop making a drama out of everything.

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My Dogs and Other Pets

Yesterday, I was talking with a client that likes animals about our respective pets. Then, when I was sitting down to play COD2 on Xbox, we were talking about our pets on there.  I think I have posted a picture or two of the cats, but nothing of the dogs. I think when I get some time, I’ll post some pics of various pets — past and present.

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