Dragonswalker and Her Horses

Went with Karen (Dragonswalker) to look at some of her horses. I am really disappointed because I had taken a lot of photos and only this one came out. Goes to show that even after many years of photography, one can still have things go wrong; usually user error. That was the case here; on which I won’t elaborate. I guess it gives me an excuse to go back with a better camera when I can… if Karen invites me back again.

3 thoughts on “Dragonswalker and Her Horses

  1. That’s good! Curiosity is a good thing!

    Let’s just say the camera beeped, showed me the picture… then processed more slowly than I thought…. so I got a lot of pictures of dirt and grass. 😐 Grrrr!

  2. LOL! Okay, that’s funny. Almost as good as leaving the lens cap on and taking pictures. 😉

    Course, you could use that as an excuse to go again and get more pictures. 🙂

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