Past Things

When I happened onto WoofNanny’s blog, I was reminded by her crafts related posts that I used to do quite a few crafts.  I once ran a ceramics shop, with my brother and sister, in which we taught ceramics and macrame.  We did all kinds of arts and crafts such as silversmithing, photography, photo matting, painting, candlemaking, and more.  I once had a photo accepted into the Three Rivers Arts Festival in Pittsburgh,  PA.  I also had one in a festival in Charleston, WV that was tied for the best of show award, which would have been awarded a display in the Capital Building Rotunda for a year.  But, it lost out to life-sized soft sculptures.   We all had awards from the Columbus, OH ceramics show.  In addition, we did a set of four bicentennial plates that were sold in Kaufman’s Department Stores.  I don’t remember how many sets we did… but I remember it was a lot.  It was a lot of work.

2 thoughts on “Past Things

  1. Oh yay–publicity!!
    One need always surround oneself in joyous pursuits. Take up ceramics again. Make something beautiful. It’s a gift, it’s inspiring, it offers calm and wonder. What do you do for a living?

  2. I am self-employed. I do computer service and sales. The last thing I did to make something beautiful was working on remodelling my bathroom; which is nearly finished with photos to come soon. And my photography.

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