Weird Happenings??

Weird Happenings??

 Around 9:30, I heard a helicopter flying nearby, but figured at first it was just flying over.  Then it was sounding closer and closer, so I stepped outside to see what it was.  It was a military chopper. By the time I got outside, it was flying really close, flying over the house in circles. It had flown close enough I could see a man through the side and I could see the guns on it.  It made more than a dozen circles which where centered directly over the house; with my house as the center of attention.  I couldn’t locate my camera as I had forgotten it in the motorcycle bag the other day.  So, I got the film camera and took a picture, but it was already flying higher.  It flew multiple more circles increasingly higher and then left.  A little while later, I sat down here at the computer to check email, etcetera.  Just a few minutes ago I heard a truck pull in front of the house, looked out the window, and saw a city police “command vehicle” sitting in front of the mailbox with a TV crew behind it.  It stopped for a moment as if checking out the house, then continued on.I watched as it made a left, went around the block,  and went back out of the neighborhood with the TV van right behind it.   I don’t know what’s happening, but something is up. 

On a side note…. I dreamed last night that a woman was sitting to the left of me as we were watching TV.  A song came on (either a commercial or a music video) and she quietly grasped my left hand with her right hand and nodded at the TV.  The song was something about “do you love me” and I remembered something about the song and quietly asked, “Is this song going to be used as a signal everywhere now?” She said, “Yes.”  I had the feeling there was someone in her life and she was trying to figure out how I felt about her. I said, “It’s something we’d have to talk about later,” and squeezed her hand.  Then a few moments later, she released her hand.  It was all very surreptitious.

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