Monthly Archives: May 2007
So… a photo.
Now testing photo. Here’s one a client took of my yesterday while I was setting up his new laptop computer and camera.

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Testing Scribefire in Firefox
Here is yet another test. Since BingoBango Software went under, Elicit has not been updated when some blogs updated their software. Then, I tried Ecto, which updated something which made Elicit not even know I had paid for it. So, now I have nothing that works well for more than one blog
Ecto was good in some ways, but has too many bugs and too many features missing.
So…. now I’m trying ScribeFire for Firefox.
Ecto was good in some ways, but has too many bugs and too many features missing.
So…. now I’m trying ScribeFire for Firefox.
Powered by ScribeFire.
Mingo Junction PGR Mission
Today, I did another Patriot Guard Ride.It was in Mingo Junction, Ohio. It wasn’t far from my home, so I didn’t need to travel far. The turn-out was good. One attendee was the father of a soldier who was killed in Iraq and the PGR attended his son’s funeral in February. His was in East Liverpool, Ohio. It was a freezing day, but I am glad that I attended that day. This father was impressed by our mission to honor his son and he decided to join the PGR. His attendence today could not have been easy for him, so I applaud his courage and his dedication to honor the sacrifice of other soldiers.
Testing Ecto