Red wolf pups

Four of the six red wolf pups at Chehaw take a break from the afternoon heat on Wednesday. The critically endangered pups were born in April.

Gray Wolf Legal Notes and A Photo

Canidian Timber Wolf (Gray Wolf)
gray wolf
Image by Richard Clark (Digimist)
Wolves’ heads are large and heavy, with wide foreheads, strong jaws and long, blunt muzzles. The ears are relatively small and triangular. Wolves usually carry their heads at the same level as their backs, raising their heads only when alert. The teeth are heavy and large, being better suited to bone crushing than those of other extant canids, though not as specialised as those found in hyenas. The canine teeth are robust and relatively short (26 mm). The animal can develop a crushing pressure of perhaps 1,500 lbf/in2 compared to 750 lbf/in2 for a German shepherd. This force is sufficient to break open most bones, as well as cut through half inch lassos with one snap.

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Oregon lawmakers support removing gray wolf from endangered list
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission delisted the wolf in November by recommendation of state biologists, who said the species is no longer in danger of extinction in the majority of the state. Three environmentalists sued, asking for an impartial …

County Site Considered For Gray Wolf Reintroduction
12, 2014, filed against the USFWS by a group of conservation and environmental protection advocates “for repeated failures over the last 38 years to develop a valid recovery plan for the imperiled Mexican gray wolf, one of the most endangered mammals …

Nice Grey Wolf photos

A few nice grey wolf images I found:

Lone Wolf
grey wolf
Image by h.koppdelaney
The Road
Is my Universe


Und plötzlich ist da ein Unterschlupf


Der Einzelgänger gehört zum Typus B3, Seelsorger, Künstler, spiritueller Sucher und Menschenfreund.

If you like see my YouTube Video:

"Dark Night of the Soul"

Mexican Grey Wolf in the Snow
grey wolf
Image by Chicago Man
Brookfield Zoo.
Brookfield, Illinois, USA.

Cool Greywolf images

Some cool greywolf images:

Old yellow eyes is back
Image by patries71

The Encounter
Image by The Wasp Factory
Eurasian wolf @ Tierpark Sababurg

Early Morning Snooze
Image by Property#1
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved — loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.

Victor Hugo

Wolves are one of my favorite animal and I could watch them for hours. This Arctic female had just had breakfast and decided to lay in the sun and have a nap