What A Day

Well…. what a day.  My previous post is about Poorboy; which is where my attention was for most of the morning.  I had to take him to the emergency hospital near Pittsburgh.  The decision to put him down was hard in a way and easy in a way.  It was hard because I didn’t want to, but easy because I didn’t want him to suffer and he could barely breath. The vet showed me the x-rays of his chest and he had what she concluded was lung cancer.  It was a very sad thing, though.  I will miss him.

As I was getting the car ready to get him put in the car, Mark and Jenn (empressreborn) showed up to visit.  Considering how things have been between them and me, I didn’t expect them to visit.  That was something that was a little hard to deal with; but Mark made an effort to put things back on track.  When I got back, I had to do an appointment that was a surprise gift from someone to the client whose computer it was.  So, I had to get ready and leave shortly after getting back here from the vet hospital.  Because I had to leave so quickly, I didn’t get to spend any real time with Mark and Jenn.  The rest of the family did, however.  I wasn’t good company anyway…. so maybe it was for the best.  They brought me a neat little wolf carving.  It is shaped like an egg… with a scene carved out of it.

Tonight, there was much drama in the extended family — serious drama; that, of course, has to find it’s way here.  Sigh.

I feel really run-down.  Today topped off a very long, very busy few days…. and I’m feeling beat.  I hope I’m not getting sick now.

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