Suzuki’s Ride Of A Lifetime

I saw a posting awhile back on a motorcycle board somewhere about Suzuki’s “Ride Of A Lifetime” contest.  I talked to Sharyn and Mark to see if they wanted to take a shot at it.  The idea was that you submit yourself and two friends to see if you get to ride new 2007 Suzuki motorcycles on a 5-day, 1000 mile ride. You had to submit an application with photos and answer some questions.  If you get called for the phone interview and pass that stage, you send a short video. I told Sharyn we had something going for us; that she was one of the pretty people.  It also was in our favor that she’s female because the female rider is the fastest growing segment of motorcycle riders and purchasers.Last night, we did the phone interview and their main concern was logistical.  It was whether the three of us could be ready to fly there on short notice.  Well, Mark and Sharyn couldn’t and it would be hard, but possible, for me.  So, the interviewer said, “We’re disappointed because you were on the short list.” It would have been a neat experience.


I’ve been thinking alot lately about Jana.  As I was driving home awhile ago, I was debating sending her an email and whether it was a good idea or not.  It would only say, “I’m sorry for how things worked out and I’m sorry for my part in it.” That’s all.  Nothing more.  So, as I was thinking about it, The Beatles “In My Life” came on the radio, followed by Van Morrison’s “Contacting My Angel”. I saw a bit of irony in that.

Under the Leather, Behind the Shades

I read this on the Patriot Guard Riders site.  I thought it was worth re-posting here.

Under the Leather and Behind the Shades

Under the leather and behind the shades stands a biker. We ride for the sense of freedom it gives us. The encouragement to take the road less traveled in the chance that we may encounter something new. We ride for the friendships we make along the way, as well as, the solitude of the open road. We don’t really care what you ride, just that you do.

Under the leather and behind the shades is a beating heart. A heart filled with compassion that on any given day will be riding for those in need. Ask one of us for help, but don’t be surprised when all of us show up.

Under the leather and behind the shades stands a proud American. We are as diverse a group of people that you could possibly assemble. We are men, women, tradesmen, doctors, lawyers, retirees, military, civilian and on and on and on. We stand silently with reverence and one voice that, in the silence, can be overwhelming.

Under the leather and behind the shades stands an invited guest to the funeral of a soldier that we most likely have never met. We hold the flag of our nation as a tribute to the greatest sacrifice anyone can make. Out of respect for the fallen, we travel to stand firm for a family, a community and a nation to lean on.

Under the leather and behind the shades stands a biker with sons, daughters, brothers and sisters of our own. Beneath the rough exterior we tremble and weep at your loss. You may not see that, for we are there to support you. That’s why we stand so silently under the leather and behind the shades.


David Meyers II



Today – More Thoughts

During the stand at the cemetary today.  A poem started coming to me.  I had a hard time trying to remember it.  But, a snippet:

Black tree standing against a darkened sky. 
You are only sleeping. You did not die. 
The same as this soul we return to the earth. 
Lord, take it on home and reward its worth.

The cemetary is often difficult when taps is played and the 21 gun salute is done.  Today, there was a point when the sobs (from the mother, I think) were able to be heard from a good distance. That was difficult.  Sharyn stood beside me… and fought back tears.  It is never an easy thing.

When we arrived today, I started to introduce Sharyn to one of the guys who I have done a couple missions with.  He said something like, “You’re not with HIM are you,” to Sharyn in jest.  She said, “It depends on what you mean by ‘with’.  I rode here with him, but I’m not *with* him.”Later, she was trying to get back to where I was standing holding her flag and needed to pass between him and another.  I didn’t hear what he said.But, as she approached, I heard her say something like, “We’re *not* together.” Later, he said he thought maybe we were brother and sister or something, the way she got offended.  She always makes a point of making sure that people know we’re not a couple. It’s an issue… or important to her in some way.I have my theories.

Veterans Day Patriot Guard Ride

So…. today was another PGR mission. This one being close to my home and on Veterans Day, I didn’t want to miss it even though it was supposed to be cool and rain. It certainly rained.  Each one of these missions has an emotional aspect, as well as a certain degree of education.  There were quite a few moments of note today. Sharyn wanted to attend one of the missions to see if it was something she wants to do.  So, she met up with me not far from  my home.  She had hit rain on the way here and needed to get her raingear on; which made us arrive later than intended, but still in time to make the staging area. We headed for the funeral home and set up to stand honor guard.  We had about 30 motorcycles (some 2-up) and people in 6 or 8 support vehicles.

This time, each soldier that was there walked down the row and shook each person’s hand, thanking us for our support.  One particularly emotional moment was when the young son (perhaps 4 years old) of the fallen soldier walked down the row wanting to know each of our names and shaking our hands.  That was tough.  One of the honorable moments was when we noticed that townsfolk were starting to gather, with their own flags and umbrellas.  As we rode the escort to the funeral home, there were many, many people in Follansbee who stood along the route to honor this soldier.  The local fire department hoisted a flag on the bucket of one of their ladder trucks.  It was nice to see the town support not only the soldier, but to join in what we try to do to support the soldiers.

Along the route to the cemetary, we passed through Eldersville, PA, where a “Christmas In The Village” Festival was taking place. The people there, likewise, stopped their festivities and gave their attention to our procession.  Some stood silent. Some clapped.  Some stood at attention or with their hands over their hearts.  Some saluted.  It was good to see.

During the day, many people thanked us for our support.  One personal moment that stands out for me was when the mother wanted to thank us for attending.  She walked to me as I was getting ready to head for home.  She hugged me for what seemed like several minutes, and said, “Thank you,” and said, “He would have loved it.  He would have been grinning from ear to ear.”Those kinds of moments — and that like the young son — are very difficult.  But, I would do it again in a moment.

Riding Weather

Yesterday was a decent day.  Today was a decent day.  Tomorrow is supposed to be better.  Saturday is rain and cool. Yesterday, I cut my day short and did a Patriot Guard Rider escort from the Pittsburgh Airport to Follansbee, WV for a local soldier killed in Afghanistan.  The funeral is Saturday…. when the cool weather and rain are coming.

Today, Sharyn called to go riding this morning, but I needed to get some work done and had an appointment already scheduled for the morning.  I might try to run some errands on the bike tomorrow, but have work to do then also.

Am really tired and not feeling well.

Merry Thanksgivoween

Merry Thanksgivoween

I’m beginning to really hate the holidays.  It used to be that there were defined holidays.  They meant something.  Now, we have stores marketing the holidays before the previous one has even arrived.  People putting up Christmas trees the day after Halloween.  I don’t like the idea of new laws.  But, I’m so disgusted with the trend, I think I might just support a law saying that a holiday can’t be advertised more than 29 days previous to said holiday.

In addition, the holidays are largely just about “give me my loot” and nothing more.

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The New Face of “True Love”

The New Face of “True Love”

I have been seeing these ads on Myspace.  They are focusing on things like “Naughty or Nice” in their ads.  I suppose this is a new version of  “Love”.  The person who thought up this ad series must have been thinking, “Find a hot chick, focus on (exploit) her body, and call it love.  They’ll fall for it.”   

They should just call it “Find Sex Free” and be honest about it.

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