Dragonswalker and Her Horses

Went with Karen (Dragonswalker) to look at some of her horses. I am really disappointed because I had taken a lot of photos and only this one came out. Goes to show that even after many years of photography, one can still have things go wrong; usually user error. That was the case here; on which I won’t elaborate. I guess it gives me an excuse to go back with a better camera when I can… if Karen invites me back again.


As his queen walked away — sheathing her dagger — she couldn’t help but admire it’s efficiency. Her knight lay face down in the dirt. As his soul poured about him, it mixed with the dirt which blocked his already shallow breathing. He could only wonder if this had been her plan all along. Had it all been only stepping stones to this desired goal; or had it simply progressed to this point by happenstance? His dying thought was that he would never know the truth.

Cathie Ryan

Cathie Ryan

One of my favorite Celtic singers has a new album out. She is one of the best — if not the best — Celtic singers I have ever heard. I saw her live in Pittsburgh, PA last year (I think) and it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

My Father and His Son

The recent thoughts about my father and some recent discussions reminded me of the poem I wrote about my father some time ago… some time after his death.


The pocket watch you gave to me not long before you died,
I kept it nice and cherished it, but… today I cried.

I meant the best for this jewel, it’s old fob showed some wear,
So, I put it on a chain, and today it wasn’t there.

I’ve searched the day, looked all around, I know it’s just too late.
I’ve looked and listened for its ticking. It’s more than been mislaid.

I’ve pondered now, and now I know its meaning to my soul.
I see it’s been a comfort and helped to fill the hole.

It’s been a symbol of your memory, since your days were done.
I see it stood for you and me, my father and his son.

I’d see its face and think of yours, I thought it was so fine.
I kept it long, so proudly kept, as it was yours and mine.

I’d read it’s hands and feel your touch, the feelings that it gave.
I’d hold it tighter in my hand, I meant to keep it safe.

The watch is gone but not it’s value, by that, I don’t mean cost.
I have your memory, I’ll keep it safe, for it’s something can’t be lost.

I’ll live my life a tribute to your caring and your love.
I’ll successfully tend your memory ’til I leave for up above.

And at that time, you’ll be there, when my “Life’s Hand” comes around.
You’ll meet me at that shore, I know, to show my soul around.

I lost the watch, but not your memory.
But still I cried, I carried it with care.

Reproduction without permission strictly prohibited.

Do You Ever Think Of Me?

Some lyrics which often represent my thoughts and feelings.

Do you ever think of me, Do I ever cross your mind,Do you ever ask yourself, What’s he doing tonight. There’s this crazy thing in my head, I don’t know if it’s true,Whenever you’re thinking ’bout me,I’m thinking ’bout you. Do you ever think of me,Just out of the blue,When you’re just sitting around,With nothing to do. Do you ever think of me,When you wake in the night,Feeling like you’re in a dream,When you open your eyes.

At my window sad and lonely,Oft times do I think of thee Sad and lonely and I wonder Do you ever think of me? Every day is sad and lonely Every night is sad and blue Do you ever think of me my darling As you sail that ocean blue? At my window, sad and lonely, I stand and look across the sea. I, sad and lonely,Wonder, do you ever think of me? Will you find another sweetheart In some far and distant land? Sad and lonely now I wonder if Our boat will ever land? Ships may ply the stormy ocean Planes may fly the stormy sky Sad and lonely but remember I will love you till I die — woody guthrie 1939

I wanted your love , but look what its done to me All my dreams have come to nothing Who would have believed All the laughter that we shared would be a memory I cannot count the tears you’ve cost me If I could have seen And do you ever think of me And how we used to be? Oh , I know you’re somewhere else right now And loving someone else no doubt Well I’m one for sorrow Ain’t it too too bad Are you breaking someone else’s heart’cos you’re taking my love where you are Well I’m one for sorrow Ain’t it too bad about us I wanted your love , but I got uncertainty I tried so hard to understand you All the good it did me Now the places that we knew remind of how we were Everything is just the same But all I feel is hurt And do you ever think of me And how we used to be?

Deep Discount CD

Deep Discount CD

Deep Discount CD has Fisher’s “The Lovely Years” for $11.77 and free shipping!! Go!! Buy!! Buy more than one!!

***Update 08/13/2014***
Due to the unprofessional, rude, and hateful behavior directed at me from both Kathy and Ron, I have decided I will no longer recommend them, nor purchase any more of their music.

You do what you feel comfortable with; just as I am.