Hot Chicks and Sweet Spots

Hot Chick and Sweet Spots

 I got to ride today and a very hot chick (sexist, I know) in a red car was checking me out! That’s a first for me! Ahem…. Then again, maybe…. just maybe… she was looking at the Volusia! Smile It **is** an awfully nice looking bike.

My new windshield lowers arrived yesterday evening and I also went to pick my helmet. So, I put the lowers on this morning while waiting for work projects to finish and took a ride. The lowers helped the buffetting, but didn’t completely solve it. I noticed the wind changed locations so I moved them down some to try to determine the “sweet spot” for mounting them. It made things worse at about 55. So, I moved them back up and a little closer to the windshield (front to back) and it helped lots but introduced a little more wind noise. I can live with it now, I’m still thinking I need the larger shield. But, I made some progress.  I’ll still do some adjustments on them to see if I can get the wind perfectly routed.  I did three test drives between work and adjusting the lowers; before it got too chilly.

I saw lots of riders out today and heard even more go by the house.

All in all, a pretty good day. I got about 20 more miles on my “new” toy.

Thought This Was Funny

Thought This Was Funny

 Dear Abby:

My husband is a liar and a cheat. He cheated on me from the
beginning, and when I confront him, he denies everything. What’s
worse, everyone knows he cheats on me. It is so humiliating.

Also, since he lost his job four years ago he hasn’t even looked
for a new one. All he does is buy cigars, play golf, cruise around,
and shoot the breeze with his pals, while I have to work to pay the

Since our daughter graduated from college he doesn’t even
pretend to like me and hints that I am a lesbian. What should I do???


Dear Clueless:

Grow up and dump him. For Pete’s sake, you don’t need him
anymore. You’re a United States Senator for New York, act like it

Sin City

Just finished watching  Sin City.  I think it was worth watching.  It was a over the top with the graphic violence, but I liked the cinematography; and even some of the human psychology at work.



Yesterday, my friend rhillai came to visit and we went to an outdoor show near me.  I thought it would be nice to treat him to something for his birthday.  I found a couple of things and he was looking at some boots, so for his birthday gift, I purchased the boots.  It was a small show, but had some things of interest. 

I bought a solar charging panel for one of my cameras.  It may serve dual purpose as a charger for other items, too. 

After the show, I wanted to look at motorcycle helmets since I need to have one for when the weather permits riding.  We ended up at three different places looking, but I ordered the color I wanted since they didn’t have that color in my size.  It should be in within a week or so.

Overall, a decent day without any work getting done.

Adriana Lima a Virgin?!?

Adriana Lima a Virgin?!?

According to published reports, supermodel Adriana Lima (Wiki Link) is a [Gasp!] VIRGIN.

In our messed up society, this is something unthinkable. 

The NY Post Reports:

 March 15, 2006 — COULD the world’s hottest lingerie model really be a virgin? That’s the mind-boggling claim that’s landed Victoria’s Secret sexpot Adriana Lima on the cover of the new GQ, which dubs her, “The World’s Most Voluptuous Virgin.”

USWeekly says:

And from the No Way In Hell Department comes the report that Victoria’s Secret model Adriana Lima (who’s dated Lenny Kravitz and Derek Jeter) is a virgin and will remain that way until marriage.

Good for her!  I respect her for it and for having the courage (yes, courage) to make it public.  In our sexually depraved, sexually fixated, love deprived society…. this is an oddity instead of the preferred norm.  It shouldn’t be that way.

Worked in Wheeling

Worked in Wheeling

This morning, I was scheduled to work in Wheeling at the courthouse.  I was getting ready and trying to answer calls, etc.  I let my dog, Sable, outside and forgot about her.  She is nearly completely blind because of degenerative cone disease.  (Moon Eyed).  As I was putting my things in the car, I heard a noise in the weeds and looked to see her trying to figure out where she was.  She was on the other side of a big ditch over by the yard. She was disoriented and couldn’t get back.  She hurt herself falling in the ditch and finally got out; but got out on the wrong side and couldn’t figure out how to get back over to the yard side.  She was really upset.  I went to get her and had to lead her back.  I had to try to walk her across a couple of logs… and she couldn’t stay on them because she’s completely blind in the daytime.  She was whining as I was trying to get her to make the first step back down toward the ditch.  She knew she was close to it, but couldn’t figure out how to get across.  So, she was nervous.  I don’t know how she got out of the ditch at all… especially on that side of the ditch.  I don’t know how long she was lost.  I felt sorry for her… felt bad about forgetting she was out there.  Tonight, she’s walking like she’s sore…. and tired.  My mother took her to a place to wash and trim her since I couldn’t stay here and try to bath her.

Got a parking ticket today.  I didn’t go back out to check my meter.  I didn’t figure I would be all day doing something simple.  It was supposed to be simply making sure the settings were right in an identical model printer that needed set place of one that broke.  That definitely didn’t go as planned.  It took about 6 hours to figure out what was wrong and to find a work around.  As for the ticket, I hate that they will write me tickets when I have signs on the side of my car that clearly show my business name and should be a good indicator that I am inside working.  I try to go back to check the meters as often as I can and I usually park at at least a 2 hour meter, but the meter I found today was only a 30 minute one.  I actually thought that would be all the time I would need.  My line of work doesn’t allow me to know how long a particular appointment will last.

I’m supposed to go to back to Wheeling tomorrow… but don’t think I’m going to go.  President Bush is going to be there for a “Town Hall Meeting” and it will make getting around town hard.

I Think….

I Think…..

…. that I’ve been patient and tried to be reasonable.
…. that I’m not seeing any progress.
…. that I’ve taken enough mistreatment.
…. that I have no idea what the game I’m in is.
…. that I’m not interested in playing it anymore.
…. that even though I thought I was before, I’m finally fully aware of the truth.
…. that I’m finally ok with that.
…. that I no longer feel responsibility for the results of the game.

First Flowers of 2006

First Flowers of 2006

Here are the first flowers I’ve seen in 2006.  Spring is coming.

MVC-008F MVC-009F

Soon… more outdoor activities…. like walking in the park… motorcycling….