Mixed Emotions

Mixed Emotions

How is it possible to feel terror, shock, apprehension, and numb all at the same time?  Moreso, how is it possible to feel those things at a time when it should feel like something nice?



Yesterday, I was carrying a monitor to put it in my car and I had to step across a computer that was one of several I had running tests.  As I stepped over, I missed my step and fell.  I caught myself half-way, leaning onto a stand and computer, holding the monitor to keep from dropping it.  I really banged and scratched my leg; in addition to pulling my back.  So, I delivered the monitor and a computer and picked up two more. 

When I got back to the house, I opened my door on the car and the hinge broke loose from the frame.  It had been repaired previously where I had worn it out from opening and closing the door so much.  Now, the door is barely hanging by a small piece of metal.  The body shops don’t want to touch it.  I tried a couple of welders and one construction welding shop that is a client of mine said they would fix it, but it will be expensive: $200-$400.  I can’t get a loan on a car, so I was trying to make this one last as long as possible.  I don’t know when they could attempt to repair it for me, but I need a car.  I can’t get by with this door the way it is.


My Sunday

My Sunday

I’ve been busy today.  I needed to change the brakes and oil on the Cherokee, so I started changing the front brake pads when I realized that the rears were probably worn enough to change, too.  The fronts were really needing it and although the rears usually don’t wear as quickly, I figured it was best to just do them now. My sister was on her way to my house, so I had her pick up the rears.  I got that done, along with the oil change. 

I was waiting for my coupons to arrive in my email from my Blockbuster membership.  I wanted to rent a couple of Xbox360 games so I could try the system out.  After I got cleaned up, I was going to put the bike away since I had checked and they hadn’t arrived.  I went out to put the motorcycle away and noticed that there was brake fluid on the ground and inside the wheel-well.  So, I checked into that and discovered it had come out the cap because of the new pad being thicker.  That was ok.  I decided to check one more time on the coupons and they had arrived.  Yeah!  So, I took the motorcycle and got my games and a free DVD.  While I was there, an attractive young woman was ringing up my items and handed me a broken, leaking pen to sign the receipt.  I had blue ink all over my hands.  She got me some paper towels and hand soap and started apologizing over and over, even though I told her it was ok and not to worry.  I mentioned I would clean the rest off at home with good cleaners; that I just didn’t want to get it on my bike.She apologized some more, so I smiled and said, “It’s ok.  I’m not excited about it.” (Apparently, smiles mean something to some people.)  I rode the bike a little, came back, hooked up the Xbox360 and am about to go play.

Cool!  Nifty-keen!  Dude!  And all those other exclamations.  🙂



I watched Narnia last night.  I liked it, but it seemed like some little “it” was missing from it.  Even so, I thought it was a really good movie.  One of the previews on the DVD is for the new Pirates of The Caribbean which is being released in July.  I looked up Narnia on IMDB and saw where a second one is scheduled for 2007.

Well… just got paged by Charleston and I’m now headed for Tyler county.

Riding Today

Riding Today

So, I took the Volusia out and went to Extreme to return the gloves I bought the other day.  I tried them on and tried to work the controls on the bike and didn’t like how they fit.  They didn’t have any others that fit or I liked, so I just did a return on them and I’ll keep looking.  After leaving there, I went across the river into Wheeling and rode out Route 88 past Oglebey Park.  I went through West Liberty and Bethany and went to Castleman’s run.  There were people fishing from the water’s edge and a couple of boats.  I then came back into Wellsburg on 67 and north on Route 2 to home.  I put about 80+ miles on the bike today.  It was a nice ride.

I think I don’t make the turns with enough skill.  On the winding road today, I averaged (when I could look) 10 miles over the marked speeds for the turns, but I don’t feel like I’m doing well enough… enough confidence, etcetera.  Even though I’ve been riding regularly for about 3 or 4 years now, I’m thinking about taking the Basic Rider Safety Course.  I don’t know if it would be a waste of the money.  I’ve heard lots of people say they road for many years and took the course and learned lots from it to the point that they increased their riding abilities.

Light Work Day

Light Work Day

I made today a light work day so I could do a couple of maintainence things on my car and possibly go for a ride. I delivered back a computer that I had repaired, adjusted my clutch, took the door panel off and lubricated the sticking door handle/lock, and now I’m going to get cleaned up and go riding.  Off I go…..



So, I worked today for a client that I hadn’t seen for awhile. She saw me going through the worst part of my Jana situation.  We were catching up a bit and she said that I seemed so much better than I did even the last time she saw me.  She thinks I seem different on several levels.  So, I said to her that the situation with Jana was really hard, but it taught me some things and I learned something from it.  A little while later, I realized that today is Jana’s birthday.

I came home, retrieved the mail from the box and there was a card for my mother.  There was no return address on the front, so I looked at the back.  It’s from Jana.

Timing.  Hmmm……

Weird Happenings Update

Weird Happenings Update

 Well… I found the answer. I just finished watching the 11 o’clock news and there were 8 drug arrests today out of 61 grand jury indictments. (There were also 60+ indictments in a county in Ohio just northwest of me across the river.) They were flying overhead because one of the arrested is the son of a neighbor of mine. I think he was living with his mother; as I’ve seen him there alot for the last couple of months. I think he was actually the only arrested person they showed in the footage. I don’t know how… but somehow I missed seeing the police and tv crew vehicles in front of that house. But, the house numbers are kind of odd on my block, so maybe when they stopped in front of my mailbox they were trying to figure out which house was which.

But, upon seeing the video footage of the chopper flying over, it looked more black in color.  So, it might be a police agency chopper…. but it looks military.