It Looks Like

Well…. it looks like Autumn is arriving.  It’s supposed to rain today and then the temperature is supposed to drop down to average or below average. The PGR mission will probably be over the weekend, but might be Friday.  We don’t know yet.  It is a confirmed mission and it’s probably close enough for me to make it.  It’s going to be in West Union; which is about 25 miles from Clarksburg.  It’s about middle ways between our old family farm and Clarksburg.  If things work out, I’ll probably make the mission. Not sure until the logistics are planned out.

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I Just Discovered….

I just discovered that there is a short notice PGR mission in Pittsburgh in the morning.  I didn’t realize it.  It is too late for me to cancel my morning work plans; but it is too late for me to make it even if I could.

There is also a pending mission in Clarksburg, WV area.  I will try to work that one into my schedule if it becomes an actual confirmed mission.

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Sad Hero

I watched “Heroes” tonight and I found the storyline of Hiro in the past with his childhood hero to be sad.  Hiro is falling in love with the Japanese girl and helping the real Takezi (sp) to win her love because history says they are together. She senses that there is a difference when Hiro is in the armor than when the real Takezi is in the armor.  He is being selfless to help Takezi have her love.  It strikes a chord with me and is sad.

There was some tension in the COD2 game tonight and G.G. left the room shortly thereafter.  I made an off the cuff remark in jest; not realizing that there was some real tension going on.  I thought everyone was joking, so I joined in the teasing.  Maybe I should have known, because I had just come out of a different room where two people who know each other well were also having some tension between them. It might have been a sign for me to be careful tonight.

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