It Looks Like

Well…. it looks like Autumn is arriving.  It’s supposed to rain today and then the temperature is supposed to drop down to average or below average. The PGR mission will probably be over the weekend, but might be Friday.  We don’t know yet.  It is a confirmed mission and it’s probably close enough for me to make it.  It’s going to be in West Union; which is about 25 miles from Clarksburg.  It’s about middle ways between our old family farm and Clarksburg.  If things work out, I’ll probably make the mission. Not sure until the logistics are planned out.

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3 thoughts on “It Looks Like

  1. I’m out of town from the 12th to the 17th. Work is sending me to New Orleans. Otherwise, we could get together before/after the ride.

  2. Well…. isn’t that just perfect timing? I was thinking if I made the mission, that I would call you to see what you were doing. But, that fixes that.

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