Cats on a Treadmill
This is cute and funny.
This is cute and funny.
I voted for a black man today. No… it was not Obama.
I bet you didn’t know that another black man was running for president, did you? No…. even I didn’t. The media made sure of it. I hadn’t heard one word about it.
So…. Yes, I — being the so-called white, conservative/libertarian racist — voted for a black man today. In fact, I voted for one several years ago, before it was a fashionable to be involved in a history making event like voting in a black president.
I had a hard time choosing between Ron Paul and Alan Keyes, because I like lots of what each of them say. I’m somewhat put off by Alan Keyes’ religion and God platform, but I find him to be intelligent politically and economically. I believe he was on the republican ticket, but has since broken with the G.O.P. and gone to the Constitution Party; which I was a “founding member” in trying to get resurrected some years ago.
But, there you have it! I said it! I, the white, male, conservative, right wing racist, voted for a black man! I feel so much better getting that off my chest! Can I start claiming to be a superior liberal leftist now??
My nephew that went missing awhile back is on his way back. He contacted the missing children org and said he wanted to come home. He’s arriving by bus tomorrow. (Sat.)
Ok….. Surfing/searching is dangerous to your workday and productivity.
Mark’s question on the “Mercy” video had me wondering if hers was a cover version. Searching lead me to a supposed cover of “Mercy” by One Republic which really was a song about an “Angel of Mercy”; but no mention of hers being a cover of someone else. Not yet daunted, I kept looking. Which lead me to look at WikiPedia about her song instead. Wikipedia, which seems to say that the song was written by Duffy also mentioned a cover of the song by One Republic who was thought of as a “myspace band” who did a song “Apologize”. Apologize sounded familiar. So….. I typed in I realized that “Apologize” was a song I heard and really liked. (I’m sort of liking One Republic.) While there, I saw the “winner of the Apologize cover contest” video. That lead me to Tamar who is amazing. Well…. with all of that good music found, I still hadn’t found this cover that was mentioned.
Still…. it was mentioned more than once as a cover of the Duffy song, instead of the “angel of mercy” version. Hmm…. it must exist. So…… onward….
Which lead me to….. tadaaaa….. Mercy “Duffy Cover” by One Republic and another one in London.
Sheesh…… now I really, really need to get to work. Thanks alot, Mark!
While looking up the radio version of “Mercy”, I happened across a Michelle Shocked song. I’ve been familiar with her for more than a decade and like her folk performances; but never really followed her closely. There is a “Quality of Mercy” video on YouTube. I looked at it and saw some other videos of her. I discovered something that I didn’t know about her.
Here she is sing “God Is Real” at church. There are some other similar videos at this link, including some Christmas ones.