The Weepies

I think I might have posted about “The Weepies” awhile back. I had heard a song on a show and liked it.  So, I looked it up.  It was….. can’t remember the name… but something about “Nobody Knows Me.”

During the last couple of weeks, I saw three different commercials that had a woman’s voice that I liked.  I thought they were possibly all the same person… but couldn’t place them to a name.  I looked them all up…… and…….. they are all by “The Weepies.”

Here’s “All That I Want”


Here’s “Nobody Knows Me At All”

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Sharyn’s Answer

Sharyn answered with a text message: “Whatever.”


So…. she succeeded in ticking me off.  After that text, I called her cell phone and left a message.  She hasn’t responded.  Probably won’t. 

I basically said, “I want to know why you are going out of your way to tick me off.  I told you business only and you wouldn’t accept that and leave it alone.  You can’t just leave it alone.  It’s your actions and choices that put us into this position.”

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I Had A Disturbing Dream

I had a disturbing dream last night.  I can only remember parts of it and it is not real clear.  I remember seeing a stroller amid damage/rubble and what looked like blood.  It was like the stroller was sitting in front of a wall of some type.  I remember thinking or hearing someone say that a bomb that went off at OSU.  In the dream, I thought that stood for Ohio State University; but, wasn’t sure what it meant.

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Sent A Text

I sent a text message to Sharyn…. at the number I had for her, anyway.  I said, “Received invite. Will not attend.  Don’t send me things like that.”

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Regrets Only

The invitation says to please let them know if you can’t attend and “regrets only”.  So, I’m thinking about the appropriate response.  Part of me says to just throw it away.  Part of me wants to send it back to her with a big “No!” written across it in black marker. Part of me says to call and say that I can’t attend because I have something more enjoyable and less painful to do — like pulling out my fingernails or squeezing my testicles in a vice.


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This is a fresh cut, so I’m not quite sure if I’m feeling more angry or more hurt.  I was looking at the mail a few minutes ago and I had an envelope (with no return address) addressed to me “and guest”. My first thought was that it was from a client that had told me about a concert at a church.  I figured it was a reminder about that.  So, I opened it.  And it felt like a slap.

It’s an invitation for a “‘Friends and Family’ Christmas Party” from “Sharyn, Ed and Staff”. 

Oh, do I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about that.

It’s funny, because just recently I was thinking that Sharyn would be gearing up for Christmas and would not be thinking about me at all.  So, why should I about her.  I was thinking about how I was thinking about her less and how I was starting to get more settled with the status quo.   Now, I get this.  It would be easier to just believe that this was sent by a worker who didn’t know any better.  I am on her client list.  But……. I don’t know.

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A Proposition

I was called today by the place that subcontracts me for work in the counties in my area.  He asked if I had ever considered moving to Charleston.  My name came up a couple of times in relation to a new project.

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Cabelas 1 – Me 0

I had a $10 coupon from Cabela’s.  So, the other day while I was in that general area, I stopped to see what I could get for around $10. I found a flashlight that was $10.  I thought I’d walk through the gift section to see what was there.  I found this:

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And I bought it for my mother for Christmas.  I also decided to go ahead and get the light with the coupon. So…. their coupon worked. They won.  I’m a beaten man…..  Oh, the shame.

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Oh… and speaking of gaming….

Oh…. and speaking of gaming….  I played a little Guitar Hero II against my nephew last night.  He’s getting better.  He says he is practicing so he can beat me.

And…….. I think it would be neat to see Rhillai play this… if he wasn’t too scared.  And I DO just happen to have 2 guitars…. hint hint.

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