
Another reason for my slow posting of late is that I have been so busy. I am trying to do my job and also take care of lots of things that need done around the house.

Over the last few days, my daylight “free” hours have been spent digging to stop the water from coming in the basement.  I got the old water line dug up and the section removed from the wall.  So, that won’t be directing the water into the house.  That’s when I discovered that the trough and drain were plugged up.  Over the last few days, my daylight “free” hours have been spent digging the drain up so that I could replace it.  I replaced the pipe and fixed it with a pop-up cap that drains water at the front hill near the road.  The pop-up cap also can be removed to clean out the pipe.  That has been back-filled over top of now.  And I need to repair the trough leading down the side of the house. I would have preferred digging up everything and sealing the wall again and replacing all of the drains with new. But, that requires time and money I don’t have. So…. that will have to wait until next summer.  Or whenever.

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