Uhm… Where Am I?

Uhm… Where Am I?

So…. This morning, I was in the courthouse working after being paged and moving around my schedule.  It’s about an hour away and they were having printing problems with one printer.  I got there and quickly discovered that it was an electrical plug which had fallen partly out of the wall. One of the women said she “felt bad” that it was only a plug.  I was talking with the boss and explained that I am a student of human nature and can see the humor in the situations like that.She said she was, “trying to see the humor in it,” but was having a hard time. I said, “I tend to think of us just mammals and sometimes like trained seals.”  She said, “And not so well trained ones at that sometimes.”  We laughed and I headed for the elevator.

Little did I know my words would soon come back at me.

I entered the elevator on floor 4, pressed the button for 1 and got caught up in thought.  The elevator stopped and as a woman entered, I stepped off.  I was deep in thought and was sort of working on autopilot.I looked ahead.  No lobby.  I looked left. No lobby.  My brain, at this moment, was trying to subconciously process how this could be.  “All of the elevators open into the lobby,” it said.  I looked right.  No lobby.  I turned, only to see the woman still holding the door open and looking at me.  She apparently saw a look or a mannerism that clued her into the reality that I was not where I wanted to be.

I said, “I think I’m in the wrong place,” still not having fully processed the situation and where I was.
“Where are you going?”, she said.
“To the lobby.”
“That’s downstairs.  It stopped for me.”

So, I walked back onto the elevator and… sure enough, it had stopped on floor two.  As we were heading down, I said, “I was thinking and wasn’t even aware it had stopped on the wrong floor.”  She said, “I hate when I do that, especially when I’m driving.”

Human nature.  The Human Animal.  Hmmmm………

Bartering Site

Bartering Site

Here’s a bartering site I found. I signed up under my business name and thought maybe some of you would want to check it out.

They say it’s the cheapest way to get Movies, Music, and Games!
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Get any CD, DVD or Game for just $1 and if you join now, you will get a FREE CD, DVD, or Video Game!

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Iraq Constitution

Iraq Constitution

I saw this quote on a messageboard.  It’s too bad that there is so much truth to it.

They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don’t we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys and it’s worked for over 200 years. Besides, we’re not using it anymore.

Emergencies Update

Emergencies Update

It seems as though it was a large pine tree that fell on electric lines.  I don’t know where the sound came from, though.  There was no mention in the paper of the transformer or the electricity being out.



It has gotten extremely windy here.  There are high wind warnings all about.  As I was waking this morning, I heard what sounded like a gunshot pretty close to my house.  I would say it was about 200 feet away.  I still hadn’t climbed out of bed, yet, so I just listened.  I have heard power company transformers explode and make a similar sound.  So, I just wanted to listen to hear what happened next.  After a couple of minutes, I could hear very distant sirens which seemed to be getting a little louder.  Then….. nothing. I decided to climb out of bed and start my day.

Just as I walked to look outside, I saw a fire truck with lights on, but no sirens, going down the road.  It pulled into my neighborhood and went toward a vehicle about a block away which appears to be an SUV belonging to the state police, county sheriff or city police.  But, as of right now, there aren’t any other vehicles visable because of the terrain.

The electricity is on.  So…. I don’t know what is happening.  But, something did.

Weather Persons

Weather Persons

I should have known better.  A few days ago, the weather people were forecasting 70 degree weather for Friday.  I thought, “Wow.  That will be good.  I can get my bike inspected and actually get a chance to ride it.”

Then…. it was going to be 70 on Saturday.  Then….. Sunday.  Now, there are differing reports, with one major site saying it might be 70 on Sunday.  But, now everyone is saying rain.  It’s supposed to be upper 50’s with 40-50% chance of rain.

It’s just not right to get a person ready for something and then rip it out from under them.