Yesterday’s Ride

When we were riding yesterday, I was in front with Rhillai behind.  When you ride solo, you watch out for yourself. When you ride groups, you point out possible road hazards when you come upon them. Sometimes, you don’t have time.  Other times you point out road hazards when you don’t even see them yourself. At one point yesterday, I was on a winding two lane road with Rhillai behind.  I suddenly felt this strong jolt and sharp pain in my shoulders, neck and back; and my teeth smacked together. I hit this “hole” in the road which I couldn’t even see.  When we pulled up at the next stop, I mentioned it and he chuckled.  He said, “I didn’t see it, but I saw you drop about a foot and back up.  So, I went around it.”  Well….. I’m glad I could be so much help.  :->

Well…. I’m out to the yard to start digging in hopes of preventing the formation of lakes in my basement.

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Friday and Saturday in Review

Rhillai came to stay here for a few days while attending the viewings and funeral services for his grandfather.  While here, he wanted to pick up a motorcycle that was partially disassembled to see if we could rebuild it. I had to work the one day, but near the motorcycle, so he went along and we brought it back after my appointment.  After some closer inspection, he decided it was better to disassemble it the rest of the way and sell the parts to salvage.  So, after I worked yesterday, we finished it and got it ready to take it today. 

The original plan was for Rhillai to stay long enough for us to be able to go for a motorcycle ride today since it was going to be nice — using my motorcycle and my b.i.l.’s. The weather was supposed to be cool in the morning hours and warm to about 75 today. So, this morning, we hooked up the trailer, loaded up the parts, and drove the hour+ to sell them.  When we returned, we got the bikes and rode out.

I really like riding.  I like an easy-going cruise on back roads and just taking in the outdoors. You can smell the seasons in the air and see nature without the shield of steel and glass surrounding you. We decided to make a loop ride through two nearby state parks.  One thing I noticed was a very faint smell of Autumn.  Autumn is coming.  There was a hint of it mixed in the with groves of pines.  There isn’t much visual evidence of it, yet.  But, I did see just a tint of color beginning in a place or two.  It was a nice ride.  When we returned, Rhillai ate and then he left for home.

One thing that struck me about the ride with Rhillai, is that it was pleasant and I didn’t have any of the aftermath which I would typically have after a ride with Sharyn. It was just a nice ride.  That’s all… nothing else.

After I returned, I took out my nephew’s new motorcycle so that i could see what it rides like.  It’s an 1800cc Honda and it has STUPID power!  It is a decent ride.  But, one thing that is reinforced in me when I ride a bike with no windshield is……. I will never, never, never, ever, ever, ever have another motorcycle without a windshield.  I am spoiled by my windshield.  I really like my bike and I LOVE my windshield.

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My Cousin Says I Internalize

My cousin and I were talking about relationships and how we behave in relation to other people.  He says I internalize.  I’ve actually thought about that before.  I know that I usually weigh my words carefully, in order to give the desired impression and avoid misunderstandings.  I sometimes have this desire, though, to just say whatever comes to mind.  Just blurt out what I initially think, rather than considering the impact that my words will have.

I also have been thinking about those that have had the most impact on my emotional well-being or lack thereof. Those who — and the situations which — have affected me the most.  When I think about the people, I wonder if they think about me as much as I do them.  I wonder if they struggle with the respective situations as much as I have. I wonder if they care about me as much as I do them. I can’t seem to see their perspective without it being filtered through much confusion and indecisiveness on my part as to what they really think.  I tend, however, toward the opinion that they see me and the situations as just fleeting moments without much consequence.

(Side Note:  The spell-checker says that “misunderstandings” should be replaced with “misunderstandings”. Huh, imagine that.)

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Even when I try to get away……

from things and people that bother me, I can’t. My mother got her hair done by Sharyn today. Apparently, while she was there, Sharyn was upset over something in her family.  She called the new boyfriend to tell him about it.  My mother didn’t know that he was the new boyfriend, just that she heard Sharyn talking to him by name. My mother said he told Sharyn, “I wish I was there to hold you in my arms.”

When I heard the name, I knew it was the boyfriend she was talking to.  When I heard what he said, my internal response was, “So, do I.  I would tell her the same thing.”

I want to comfort her, also.  But, it doesn’t matter coming from me.

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It Must Have Been My Day To Upset Women

It must have been my day, yesterday, to upset women.  I was reading a post on a blog written by a young professional woman.  She said:

Would the other half of my “what if I were to meet a billionaire today”
pair of shoes please come out of the closet or whatever other hiding
place you’ve found in my apartment? A prompt return to my “what if I
were to meet a billionaire today” suit would be most appreciated by
the suit, your other half, myself, and any potential billionaires
roaming the Washington, DC metro area.

I took a certain impression away from those words. The other men who posted did.  Yet, she was irate when I asserted that those words give the impression of a woman looking to date or marry a man with money.  Then, she went on the attack and said it was my own relationship insecurities and tried to deflect the topic away from the fact that the words she used project a certain message. And they say women aren’t aggressive.  Ha!

In addition to that, I upset G.G. in the COD2 game.  I absolutely hate when people try to “glitch” or simply explore in a room when you’re playing a match. I think if you want to glitch or explore; start a private room or go hidden.  I just kept shooting them; which frustrated G.G.’s attempts to get to her “glitch” area.  She left shortly after.  I just wanted to play.  In the future, I guess I’ll just drop out when the glitching starts.

Shortly after that was when I discovered that the above mentioned “shoes” woman was irate; which continued this morning.

Overall…. not a great day yesterday.  And today is starting out the same.

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Writing and Riding

I haven’t been writing much.  I caught up on some things at this blog yesterday.  But, I haven’t written at the political or 2nd Amendment blogs for quite awhile.  I want to get those archived and moved over to their new spots, too. 

I’ve always wanted to write.  I’ve had a few minor things published in newspapers and even a short article in a magazine — a column which different people submitted their stories to — for which I got paid $50. Of late, I have been mulling ideas for books.  But, I think I would be better at writing non-fiction, rather than fiction.

Lately, it seems that my work is constantly beset by delays and setbacks. I have received wrong parts, had things that were hard to fix, had unrelated parts fail while I was working on something else, and generally have been feeling unproductive.

I didn’t do much over the weekend.  I put the towing socket on my Jeep, helped my b.i.l. put the brakes on his car, and played some video games.  While playing, G.G. prompted me to write more, not realizing that I had written several entries yesterday morning.  She also inquired whether she would be making any more cameo appearances in my blog. I dunno….. will she?   There was also a short discussion about societal behaviors that is rolling around in my head in preparation for a post on one of the other blogs.  We’ll see what happens with that.  I have also been rolling around an abortion post; but it’s been rolling around for several months now.

Well……. I guess that’s enough for now.

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Beautiful Godzillas

Beautiful Godzillas.  I know how you feel, George.

George: Beautiful
women… Ya know, they get away with murder. You never
see one of them lift anything over three pounds. They do
whatever they want, whenever they want to, and nobody can
stop them.
Jerry: She’s
like a beautiful Godzilla.
George: And I’m
thousands of fleeing Japanese!

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Holly Brook Music

I watched the animated “Happily Never After” last night. My nephew stayed overnight and wanted to watch something that he brought. 

A particular song in the movie caught my attention.  I knew the voice.  I liked the music.  So, I started looking.  The voice is Holly Brook Even after finding her, I couldn’t figure out where I heard her voice before.  Then I found that she is the voice in “Where’d You Go” that I have heard parts of before. The man’s voice in that same song is one of the guys from Evan and Jaron.

The music was by the two guys from Squirrel Nut Zippers; which I REALLY REALLY like.  And Squirrel Nut Zippers have a song in it, too.

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