Beautiful Godzillas

Beautiful Godzillas.  I know how you feel, George.

George: Beautiful
women… Ya know, they get away with murder. You never
see one of them lift anything over three pounds. They do
whatever they want, whenever they want to, and nobody can
stop them.
Jerry: She’s
like a beautiful Godzilla.
George: And I’m
thousands of fleeing Japanese!

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Holly Brook Music

I watched the animated “Happily Never After” last night. My nephew stayed overnight and wanted to watch something that he brought. 

A particular song in the movie caught my attention.  I knew the voice.  I liked the music.  So, I started looking.  The voice is Holly Brook Even after finding her, I couldn’t figure out where I heard her voice before.  Then I found that she is the voice in “Where’d You Go” that I have heard parts of before. The man’s voice in that same song is one of the guys from Evan and Jaron.

The music was by the two guys from Squirrel Nut Zippers; which I REALLY REALLY like.  And Squirrel Nut Zippers have a song in it, too.

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Friday in Pittsburgh

My cousin sent me an I.M. a few days ago about needing a ride to the local DMV office in my town.  Since he was off on Friday and worked evening on Saturday, I decided to go after him  Friday late morning.  I decided to take the motorcycle.  I also decided to wear my leather gear, instead of the lighter summer gear, since I thought I would be back home before it got too warm.  Going into Pittsburgh wasn’t too bad, with the traffic moving pretty good through the inbound tunnel. I got to Oakland, waited for cousin to get ready, and we headed back.  As I was leaving, I thought that I should go out a different way, rather than going back down to where I came in. Since it was only about noon, I decided not to listen to my little voice.

As we got closer to downtown and the tubes… traffic started backing up.  More traffic.  Uh-oh. So, I waited in traffic, in full leather, with a rider on the back, in direct noonday sunlight.  “This isn’t looking good, I thought.  I wondered what was going on, because it shouldn’t have been that bad at noon on a Friday.  I made my way to the Grant Street exit to find a way out.  I was really starting to feel the heat. I wished I had decided on the lighter jacket. I crossed Smithfield Bridge toward Carson, and things were moving pretty good. I was looking to go toward the West side to go around the tubes. After only a short distance, traffic stopped again. We waited in traffic again for a long time, until I got to a place where I could see the distance I was from the tunnels.  It was a long way and we were barely moving.  I turned around when I found a spot and headed back to find yet **another** way out.  I was headed back up Carson, hoping that the Liberty Tunnels weren’t all backed up.  I saw a sign that read “To 51” and I made the right up over the hill. This brought me down on the other side of Mount Washington, onto 51.  I was feeling like I was making some progress, finally. I went down 51 toward the tubes.  As I got to the exit, traffic backed up again.  The difference this time, is that it seemed to be moving a little bit.  It was still hot, but at least I knew within 10 minutes or so, I would be moving at highway speeds again.  As I got back onto the road on the other side of the tunnels, I realized that the tunnels were closed. They had closed the outbound tube at about the time I came through the inbound. Traffic was a nightmare.  It took me somewhere between 1.5 and 2 hours to make a trip that normally would have taken about 45 minutes to an hour.

Last night, I looked online and found that they had closed it for “emergency repairs”.  And I also discovered that before I came in, there was a 7 vehicle — 4 trucks, 3 cars — accident on the inbound bridge; which was cleaned up just before I came through.

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I Think I Need a Long Motorcycle Ride

But, I have so many things to do, that I don’t feel right just taking off for a few hours to ride.  I have this feeling that I need to ride south through WV.  I don’t know why. 

Thursday night, I dreamed about my cousin and Jana.  I dreamed that Jana was pregnant.  In the dream, I wanted to help her. I felt bad that she was pregnant and “alone”. I wanted to marry her so that she wouldn’t have to raise the child alone.  I wanted to tell her, but was afraid to bring it up. My cousin was hinting that it was what she wanted, too.

For a few days now, I’ve had three people weighing on my mind pretty heavily.  One is Sharyn.  I even thought that she was thinking about me (perhaps it’s just my ego) and wanted to go riding. I felt like I knew what she was thinking; like I could hear her voice saying a few things to me.

So, yesterday, I was reading a couple of newspapers while I was waiting for a computer to get finished with what I was working on. The papers were beside where I was sitting, so I started reading for something to do. One of the horoscopes said something like, “Did you have a dream.  Did something in the paper or on tv catch your attention?  Someone is trying to communicate with you telepathically.”

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