See what happens when you ramble?

See what happens when you ramble?  I completely forgot the part of the “Writing and Riding” post about riding. So, the title seems to not quite fit somehow.  🙂

I wanted to take the motorcycle out and had sort of planned on it.   But, I just didn’t feel like going.  I wasn’t feeling my best.  So, I decided not to go and to get a few small things around here finished.  I just listened to my “little voice”, I guess.

I sent an email to the one tattoo place that is up around Cleveland.  I wanted them to give me an estimate and work up my idea.  They require $50 to work up the art.   He said, “Stop in when you’re ready.”   I don’t want to stop in to get the art work started.  I want to “stop in” when I am ready for the actual tat to be done.  I don’t mind paying the $50 if it results in good artwork.  But, in this day of technology, it shouldn’t be necessary to stop in just for the artwork to be started.

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