Morning, Weepies, and Sticking to my Guns

I walked out to my car today to retrieve something, and was thinking about what I’m going to do today.  I have a couple of things that need worked on here; and also a couple of things I could do at client locations. I thought that since I have to be near where Sharyn’s shop is, that I’d get her shirt out of my saddlebags and drop it off to her.

I walked back into the house and my brother was reading.  He asked if I’ve seen today’s horoscope. I don’t read the horoscopes anymore because I find them distracting and a waste.  However, the horoscope:

“Relationships add uncertainty to your day, presenting perspectives that
don’t easily fit in to your previous plans. It’s challenging, for the
situations you now face will not easily go away. Larger patterns are
being established that can influence your success over the next couple
of months. Sticking with your agenda is your best strategy so you won’t
be pulled off course by someone else’s distracting point of view.”

So…… that just seems to fit.

I watched a “Kyle XY” and it had a song by The Weepies — Nobody Knows Me At All. I liked it and decided to find out who it was. I like them.  They can be found at

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