Ride of a Lifetime

Back in the Fall, I found out about the Suzuki “Ride of a Lifetime” which was a chance for 3 friends who ride motorcycles to be in a commercial and ride 3 new motorcycles on a “ride of a lifetime.”  I think I blogged about it at the time.  I talked to Mark and Sharyn about entering, which we did.  During the interview call, we were told that we were “on the short list” of people being considered.  We couldn’t work out the logistics because of work and business responsibilities, however.   I went to the Suzuki site for some information yesterday and saw that the ride videos are there.

It turns out that the “Ride of a Lifetime” was a Washington, DC to Daytona Beach ride in December.

If you want to see what it was about, click the link and click “video” and then “Ride: Full”


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