I Just Discovered….

I just discovered that there is a short notice PGR mission in Pittsburgh in the morning.  I didn’t realize it.  It is too late for me to cancel my morning work plans; but it is too late for me to make it even if I could.

There is also a pending mission in Clarksburg, WV area.  I will try to work that one into my schedule if it becomes an actual confirmed mission.

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Sad Hero

I watched “Heroes” tonight and I found the storyline of Hiro in the past with his childhood hero to be sad.  Hiro is falling in love with the Japanese girl and helping the real Takezi (sp) to win her love because history says they are together. She senses that there is a difference when Hiro is in the armor than when the real Takezi is in the armor.  He is being selfless to help Takezi have her love.  It strikes a chord with me and is sad.

There was some tension in the COD2 game tonight and G.G. left the room shortly thereafter.  I made an off the cuff remark in jest; not realizing that there was some real tension going on.  I thought everyone was joking, so I joined in the teasing.  Maybe I should have known, because I had just come out of a different room where two people who know each other well were also having some tension between them. It might have been a sign for me to be careful tonight.

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Week Start

I was thinking about taking the day to go out on the motorcycle.  I got paged this morning.  So…… the ride probably won’t happen. 

Spent most of the day yesterday working on the drain.  I got that installed.  It’s a WVGoldenwolf Drain.  It’s sort of based on a French Drain, but it’s a new experimental type.  It was going to be even more experimental, but there was one minor snag.  I couldn’t find a part to tie into the 4 inch pipe there now with one section of a new type I wanted to install.

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Pet Peeve of the Day — Take And

Today’s Pet Peeve Rant is:

“Take and” 

Pronounced almost like “taken”.


“I need to take and go to the store.”
“I am going to take and go riding.”

Ok…. do I REALLY need to tell anybody why this is wrong?  Do I? Sigh….

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Friday Night Dream

I had a strange dream Friday night.  I am just now getting to writing about it.  I was at the house across the street, trying to go in the door.  Instead of being on the front of the house where it is, the door was on the side.  It was an odd door and I seem to recall that it was a pocket door.  Not quite sure, though. Anyway…. there was an entity of some sort that wouldn’t let me in the door. There were people behind me, like I was leading them.  I spoke to the entity and told it that I was going to come in and get the cat and rabbit.  It spoke and said I couldn’t have them.  As I tried to enter the open doorway, a force pushed me back and I fought against it to get in.  As I was pushing through, I saw the white cat and white rabbit floating in the air as if someone was holding onto them.  I grabbed one and snatched it away from the entity.  I don’t remember at the moment which one it was, but I think it was the cat.  As I did that, the other broke the grip of the entity and scurried off further into the house.

The next thing I remember is being in my own house, in my bathroom, doing something to the ceiling light.  As I was working on it, a very small infant body — wrapped up like a mummy — fell out of the light fixture.

This concludes the weird dream.  Now… I’d like to know what that all  means.

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One of my nephews was working out of town over the last few days.  At one location, he and co-workers were sitting/standing beneath a tree when two baby squirrels came down the tree to stop on one co-worker’s shoulder.  They looked for a mother and couldn’t find any sign, so they decided to try to feed them and keep them safe.  My experience tells me that it rarely works; so it’s better to let mother nature take her course if your conscience will allow you.

Nephew brought the one here for me to see.  His little boy brought it to me while I was sitting at the computer.  When he handed it to me,  I knew instantly it was very sick.  It appeared to be having trouble with breathing and such.  It was very lethargic. As soon as I touched it, I could feel that it was wanting comfort and asking for help.  I know… that might sound strange.  But, it’s a fact.  I’ve always had this sort of empathy with animals of all sorts.  It’s one reason that I don’t hunt.  I haven’t hunted since I was a child.  I could if I needed to eat…. but I’d rather not. Anyway, the poor little thing was clinging to anyone for comfort.  It was nearing death and I knew it.  My nephew and I talked about what it needed to eat and that it should not be handled much because it was stressed physically.  I tried to prepare him that it was near dead.

It died a couple of hours later. I feel sorry for it.

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The Drainage Trough Is Gone

I had a busy day today.  I did a short appointment, patched the greenhouse, and worked more on the drainage problem.  I decided that the trough was too much of a problem to patch.  I looked at the situation again and decided to remove the trough and tie together the rear drain, rear gutter, and the front gutter drain with pipe. The trough was bricks laid into a V shape and cemented over to form a sort of drainage trench.  One side of it met the house.  (It was cracking away from the house, however.)  That redirected the water down the side of the house and into the front gutter pipe.  That’s the way it was supposed to be working, that is.  I decided that it wasn’t too much work to remove it and that pipe would be better.  The fact that the bricks were there already made it a bit below ground level; so it wouldn’t be too much digging.  I broke up and removed it (about 40 feet) today.

So, I need to go buy some pipe tomorrow.  I am deciding what I want to use.  I have a pretty good idea of how I want it.

However…. I am increasingly feeling a need to get on the motorcycle, point it a direction, and ride. Just ride.  No plans to stop anywhere. No plans to be anywhere. End up where I do and arrive back when I do. And tomorrow is going to be around 90 degrees.

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Another reason for my slow posting of late is that I have been so busy. I am trying to do my job and also take care of lots of things that need done around the house.

Over the last few days, my daylight “free” hours have been spent digging to stop the water from coming in the basement.  I got the old water line dug up and the section removed from the wall.  So, that won’t be directing the water into the house.  That’s when I discovered that the trough and drain were plugged up.  Over the last few days, my daylight “free” hours have been spent digging the drain up so that I could replace it.  I replaced the pipe and fixed it with a pop-up cap that drains water at the front hill near the road.  The pop-up cap also can be removed to clean out the pipe.  That has been back-filled over top of now.  And I need to repair the trough leading down the side of the house. I would have preferred digging up everything and sealing the wall again and replacing all of the drains with new. But, that requires time and money I don’t have. So…. that will have to wait until next summer.  Or whenever.

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Pet Peeve of the Day

Pet Peeve Rant of the Day is:

I’ve Got
You’ve Got
We’ve Got
They’ve Got

The word is HAVE, people!! “I HAVE a car.” Even, “I’ve a car.”  Never, “I’ve got a car.”  It is, “I have to go to the store.”  It is not, “I’ve got to go to the store.”   Better yet, “I will go to the store.”  Or even, “I must go to the store.” 

But…. NEVER “I’ve got.” Got it??? Oh, geeze……

It’s so prevalent that people even have me doing it! I HATE it!  It’s not proper grammar. So, STOP IT!

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Number 1,345

Number 1,345 of the things that I think of and want to post but then forget again to post until I’m away from the computer is:

I got my Guitar Hero II a few nights ago and started playing it.  I liked what I got to play. After a few songs, the system came up with an error of “disc unreadable”. So…… I can’t play now and have to see about getting a replacement.

Which leads to Number 1,095 of TTITOAWTPBTFATPUIAFTC:

Over the last couple of weeks or more, I constantly am getting setbacks in one form or another.  I have had multiple parts ordered that were bad.  I have had things breaking all around me.  I think something is fixed and it’s not.  Things get delayed. I forget to do things that need done. Small jobs are becoming big jobs.  Big jobs are becoming even bigger jobs.   Add to that my nightly lack of sleep and my daily sense of exhaustion…. as well as my physical and emotional state…… and it might explain more of the mood I mentioned in my previous post.

Ok…. that sounds slightly like a whine.  It’s more of a statement of explanation.  I normally take things in stride and just roll with the punches. So… it’s less whine and more description.

Oh…. speaking of forgetting….(Number 795)  And….I got called for jury duty for Tuesday.  But, needed to call the jury line after 5 p.m. Friday to see if the trial is still on.  I forgot to call until Midnight last night.  But, I did call.  And the trial is off. So, I can now work on Tuesday.

Well… that’s a few of the number out of the way.  I’ll get to the other 10,000 in the future, I am sure.

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