I Did

I did a PGR mission yesterday.  It was a Veteran’s Day Memorial ceremony at the new National Cemetary of the Alleghenies near Bridgeville, PA.   I took the car, which was a good thing because it was cold and I got paged to work in the afternoon. So, on the way back from the PGR mission, I stopped to pick up parts and then worked for a client for a couple of hours.  After that, I played CoD4 and watched TV.

Last night, I dreamed strange dreams all night.  I dreamed about people I didn’t know, people I did know, and people I haven’t seen for years.  In one, I was in a car with a woman I didn’t know and she drove into a piece of construction equipment at high speed.  I remember thinking, that would have killed us all if it was real.

One of the dreams was about Sharyn. It was like we were going somewhere together; like we were travelling on the bikes together.   But, in the dream, I was only catching glimpses of her because she was always blocked from my view by someone or something else. In one part, we were in a small restaurant and I saw that she went to the other side of the place and sat down at a booth.  But, there were other people talking to me and blocking my view… or things in the restaurant were blocking my view.

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