The New York Times Take

The NYT take on the DC ban consideration. I find it interesting that people will claim there is no bias in the media.  This is a perfect example of liberal bias.

Justices Will Decide if Handgun Kept at Home Is Individual Right – New York Times

I find the following quote to be quite interesting:

“Whether the handgun ban has reduced crime in a city surrounded by less
restrictive jurisdictions is a matter of heated dispute. Crime in the
District of Columbia has mirrored trends in the rest of the country,
dropping quite sharply during the 1990s but now experiencing some

It is almost hilarious.  The DC crime rate has been near the top of the list for decades.  And, it’s much higher when compared to those other “less restrictive” jurisdictions.  Its murder rate is so much higher, that the numbers for there (in conjunction with a couple of other gun-ban jurisdictions) distort the overall murder rate.  Wouldn’t it make more sense that the surrounding “less restrictive” jurisdictions would be as high or higher than the DC rates?

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I used to…..

I once thought that love could solve all problems or potential problems between two people.  I no longer believe that. Sometimes, even true love isn’t enough. 

And, if it’s an unrequited love, it’s even worse.

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Recurring Dream

I have this recurring dream in which I am trying to escape from gangster with family/friends.  I have this dream every few years.  I had it again last night.  It was pretty detailed and I remember getting the upper hand on the gangsters and holding them at gun point while we got some distance away from them. Then, they started trying to catch up to us.

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I think….

…. that this is such an obvious answer, that it shouldn’t even be up for debate.  If you asked these supposedly intelligent people, “Why don’t you steal?” Or, “… cheat on your spouse.” Or any such thing, they would not want to get caught. 

Does Death Penalty Save Lives? A New Debate – New York Times

Criminals want to minimize their risks just like everyone else.  They
watch for cameras.  They watch for police.  They break into homes where
nobody is at home.  They prey on the weak.  They do these things to
minimize their risk of getting caught, hurt, killed.

If that doesn’t tell you that they weigh the risk/benefit ratio, there
is something wrong with your thought processes.  If you raise the
risks, you reduce the benefit to them. 

The problem with the status quo is that you don’t see the reduction in murders/crimes because there is not a prominent enough death penalty in place.  It’s really very simple. 

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Water Tank

I was going to try to do a “Welcome Home Escort PGR mission today from the Pittsburgh Airport to the Morgantown, WV area.

A family friend is an older woman who is taking care of her elderly mother who is in very poor condition and needs constant attention.  The friend called yesterday that there was water on the floor all around her water heater.  It was leaking badly.  Today, I took my b.i.l. with me and put in a new water heater for her. It was a several hour job because the new tank had slightly different dimensions on the height and position of the valve and the water connections.  But, it went more smoothly than I expected because a water heater install kit was available. It contains flex pipes and I had the rest of what I needed.

As I was leaving, my brother discovered that the furnace was not working in the house across the street, so I have to work on that. I got it working enough to heat it until I can do a minor fix to help it light.

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Grammar. Man Hating.

I was driving by a local school, yesterday, when I saw a sign like you see when the sports teams are playing a game.  They are the kind the cheerleaders or team supporters put up.  It read, “We Got The Fire!”  Uhm….  ok….. don’t they have an English teacher at this school?

I’ve long said that men are hated in our society; especially by women.  They are seen as stupid, as second to women, not as important as women, etcetera.  I have blogged about it before and have given examples of it. My brother gave me a newspaper clipping yesterday of a “Heloise” column.  In it, a woman wrote in with her hint for helping lost children to stay safe when at an amusement park or other such venue.  She writes her number on the back of their hand and tells them to, “go to a police officer or to another ‘mommy with kids’ and show them their hand.”

We certainly wouldn’t want them to go to a “daddy with kids” or any other male.  We all know they are child molesters and even if they LOOK like a “daddy with kids” those are really the men who have just finished collecting up a bunch of unsuspecting kids at the park and is walking them out so that he can do his dastardly deeds.

These man hating women would rather see the lost child look for a help in a drug-fueled, street prostitute (because she still a woman and all women have a motherly instinct) than a man anyday.

What’s bad is that a large segment of women have these sentiments on at least some scale.  Some think men aren’t capable of raising children.  Some say, “They are my kids.  They came out of me.  He was just a sperm donor.”  Some say, “Men are child molestors.”  But, it is all the same disdain for men.

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I’ve Noticed…

… that my little belly is slowly turning into a little belly with a little ring around my waste.  I guess that means too many late-night snacks and too much CoD4 on Xbox360.

I think that means cutting back. 

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More ‘Ho’s

I was thinking more about the topic of santa and ‘ho’s.  What Hyzathra said about, “unless she was a ho,” is part of it.  But, the bigger topic is the destruction of proper grammar.  I’m often told that words don’t really mean anything; or that I take words to seriously.  Supposedly, if I believe that words have meanings, then I am being too judgmental and being too strict with my definitions.  I think this incident proves my point that it has a larger, far-reaching influence on the operations of the society.  It has negative results.

The problem is that we allow a minor segment of society to speak poorly and not use grammar properly.  If people were using proper speech, the word “ho” wouldn’t be associated with anything but laughter.  But, we allow a few to start to influence a growing segment, which then uses the word wrongly.  And, it spreads.  If we expected people to use words properly and speak clearly, we wouldn’t have any association between “ho” and “whore” because people wouldn’t think that “ho” meant “whore”. Nobody in their right mind would think that Santa was saying, “Whore! Whore! Whore!” But, people supposedly in their right minds think that “ho” equals “whore”.  There is something entirely wrong with the whole thing.

We have many examples of words being distorted from their original meanings to a completely opposite meaning.  We went from a society that thought “gay” meant “happy” to where we are today with “gay” meaning “homosexual”; which is, in turn, slowly becoming a pejorative meaning “stupid” or “bad”.

I got my flu shot yesterday and I did good.  I only shook a little.  And the woman that gave it was really good.  I didn’t even feel the needle go in.  My arm is a little sore today.  The woman that gave my mother her flu shot said if your arm gets sore after a flu shot, that means you would have gotten the flu this year.  Hmmm….

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Upon some reflection

Reflecting upon the question of what Sharyn would think, I would like to think that Sharyn would see the blog posts about her as a positive; as an expression of what the feelings were like when I told her, “I’m getting too close to you.”

But, I can see the possibility that she might offense for various reasons.  Some people might not like seeing their name on a blog, for example.  She might not like some of my perceptions of things.

I can even see where someone could get a very unflattering view of me from some of my posts; especially some from quite awhile back. Even recently, I’ve been seen as displaying some “woman hating” even though that’s not what I feel.

Even if Sharyn took it as a positive… or flattering… I don’t think it would matter.   I don’t think that would change anything. It wouldn’t change her. It wouldn’t change me.  And I conclude thinking that she would still see me as a loser freak boy.

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