Death with Dignity

I was working at a doctor’s office yesterday.  One of the women commented that it was awful getting old and sick. We had a brief discussion about dying with dignity.  I know that I don’t want to lie in a bed sick and not knowing where I am.  I know that I don’t want kept alive.  If I am not having a quality of life, I want the choice to leave.  I’m not so attached to this life that I would have a problem with dying if my life is not of some quality. In fact, I’m not so attached to it even now.

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Clickety Clickety

Clickety Clickety go the keys.  What’s the result?  Whatever I please.

I was working in a place where a little office sign was on a desk.  It said, “We’ve been through a lot together; and most of it was your fault.”

When I closed my profiles on the dating/social networking sites, I instantly got an email that someone with a profile at one of the dating sites had added me to their favorites list.  Uhm…. yeah…. right…. Do they think we are that stupid?

So… why is it that people still have not learned that the center turning lane is for ENTERING busy roads as well as exiting them?  I had to sit behind at least 10 cars yesterday at an  intersection to a road which was more busy than normal because of construction in the general area.  None of them making a left would cross to the middle turning lane when there was no oncoming traffic to the left.  They ALL had to make sure that it was clear both ways for some reason. Sheesh.

Now, San Francisco wants to give ID cards to any resident, despite legal status.  I find so many things wrong with the article and with the idea.  But, one thing that really caught my eye was a quote which ended, “….a labor force that’s supplied by, for lack of a better term,
undocumented residents,” said Tom Ammiano, the supervisor who sponsored
the bill.  WHAT?  There IS a better term you dishonest, anti-American socialist!  It’s “ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.”  There are lots of better terms.  How about, “Not supposed to be here,” or “Taking our money and sending it back to Mexico and not paying taxes on it.” Your compatriots have already admitted that they are a “cash based society”; which we both know is code for “working under the table.” Geez!!

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Yesterday Gaming Seat Test

Yesterday, while I was testing my gaming seat, I got into a room with VCS and a few others.  When the game changed, I got booted.  So, I rejoined and said, “I got kicked out.”  (When I say “kicked”, I think in the computer terminology.  Someone said, “VCS,” in a jesting tone like saying that he had kicked me out.  I quipped, “Yeah, why’d you kick me.”  He very testily said, “I didn’t kick you!  Geez, you’re so paranoid!”

Well…. geez…. a bit testy aren’t we?  I didn’t respond.  I was only there for a short time and didn’t feel like an argument.

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Quick hide! I’ve Been Thinking….

I was thinking about the honesty and “little white lie” topic.  GG brought up a common example: “Do these jeans make me look fat?”  It occurs to me that if a woman asks a man whom she knows will lie to her that question, then she knows he will lie to her to keep her happy/sane/away from the offensive weapons. So, she knows that he’s lying to her.  Which means she knows he thinks the jeans make her look fat.  Why do the dance to get to the same result?

Now, by contrast, if a woman asks a man like myself if the jeans make her look fat, she gets a different result. If the jeans make her look fat, he says, “They aren’t flattering to you.  The other pair looks better.” If the jeans don’t, then he says, “No, you look great in those.” Now, she knows she can believe him.  And if that’s the case, she wins all the way around because not only can she feel confident she looks good when she does — she can trust his judgment to help her look her best by avoiding the unflattering jeans. If he’s afraid to tell her the truth to keep her away from the offensive weapons, then she runs the risk of going out in public in fat jeans because he was afraid to tell her to try the skinny jeans. 

By my logic, women would want to know they could trust their man, instead.

Now…. what if the question she is asking is really code for, “Am I fat?”  I think she needs to increase HER level of honesty and stop playing games.  Just ask the question she wants to know, and feel confident that her man will — gently if necessary —
help her to achieve her best look by being honest with her. 

If her real question is, “Do you still love me fat?” Well…… then she should just stop dancing around the topic and ask, “Do you still love me?”

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I wonder

I wonder if women (people in general, really) confuse lack of self-control with desire and passion; and… by extension…. love.  I wonder if they mistakenly see self-control as lack of desire, passion, and love.

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I Watched Dr. Phil

Yeah… I watch Dr. Phil sometimes.  The other day, I watched the second half (didn’t see the first) of a show about a high school french teacher that was accused of having sexual contact with 3 of her students.  I don’t know the whole story, but apparently one of the three recanted his story during testimony.  The other one failed a lie-detector for Dr. Phil and the third one was on Dr. Phil to confront her. The lie-detector given on Dr. Phil for the third one showed “clear deception” to some of the questions.  But, he said he had passed a previous lie-detector test.

Two things really struck me during that show.  The first was that the polygraph examiner seemed really, really angry….. even hostile…. toward the third young man.  He asked him, after the results were revealed, something about his answering “no” to some questions like, “Have you ever lied to keep out of trouble,” and “Have you ever lied to protect someone’s feelings?” 

The second thing is that Dr. Phil said, “Well, you’re the only person — including myself — that I have ever heard could answer those questions that way.”

Well…. Doc…. I can.  So…. if you think that makes me a liar… you’re as judgmental as you are dishonest. 

I have always believed that if you can’t speak the truth, say nothing.

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…. I was asked tonight if Sharyn knew I had this blog and if she reads it…. what does she think about it.  Which got me to thinking……. what WOULD she think about it?  Hmmm…..

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